HTML5 iPad-Friendly Lessons

HTML5 is here!

compatible with windows and mac desktops, laptops and notebooks, iPad, iPhone, android phones, tablets

Courses and exams labelled with this graphic on the Teracom website are HTML5, which is an open standard for displaying multimedia and interaction on webpages.

HTML5 will  run on windows and mac desktops, laptops and notebooks, iPad, iPhone, android notebooks, tablets and smartphones… and pretty much anything else.

Like regular HTML, HTML5 code is interpreted by and displayed in a browser.  We recommend using Chrome browser, as Chrome is fast and gives good results.

The new CWA courses and exams are in HTML5.
test with this free sample


compatible with windows and mac desktops, laptops and notebooks. runs on iPad with special browser

Courses and exams with this graphic use flash, which runs great on windows and mac desktops, laptops, notebooks.  They run on iPad, iPhone and android smartphones with a special browser.

CTNS, CIPTS and CTA use flash.
test with this free sample

Chrome browser has a built-in flash player, so CTNS, CIPTS and CTA run great in Chrome on mac or windows desktops, laptops, and notebooks.

But… when Steve Jobs invented the iPad, he wouldn’t allow flash on it. Steve had objections to flash including security, efficiency and power consumption.

The good news is there is an easy solution for iPad.
For iPad, CTNS, CIPTS and CTA run in a special $5 browser.
This one is popular     This one has a free trial
This article in macworld from the UK explains the story in detail


use chrome browser for best results

Online course lessons and exams are displayed in a browser. We recommend Google Chrome as it is fast and gives good results.

When using a computer with Windows 8, please download Chrome browser and use that instead of Internet Explorer.

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