Join Teracom Training Institute’s affiliate sales program, advertise Teracom Online Courses and Certifications on your website, and earn a commission on every student you refer who registers for Online Courses and Certifications!
Teracom is the leader in telecom and network training courses, developed and refined over twenty years. Teracom training courses now available online are top-notch, top-quality and right up to date.
We’ve partnered with the Telecommunications Certification Organization for certifications. Students register for a Certification Package, which includes courses and certification exams, complete the courses and exams, and earn TCO Certification, with diploma, letter of reference and more.
To be accepted as a Teracom Sales Affiliate, you’ll need to have an established web site or blog with sufficient daily page views by unique visitors, and place descriptive text and graphics describing Teracom courses on your site.
Not only will you earn 20% of net proceeds from students who are referred from your site, becoming a Teracom Training affiliate adds prestige to your site, and may complement other content on your site or add to other training affiliations you may have, making your site in turn more valuable.
There is no cost to become a Teracom Sales Affiliate. There are, of course, terms and conditions that must be respected, including a minimum sales level that must be maintained to remain in the program.
To begin the process of becoming a Teracom Sales Affiliate, please complete the “contact us” form, stating that you would like to apply to join the Teracom Affiliate Sales Program, and include the address of your website.
Get started today!