The course books for the three Certified Wireless Analyst courses are now available on Google Play Books!
Course 2231: Wireless Fundamentals Course Book – FREE
Course 2232: Mobile Communications Course Book – US$9.99
Course 2233: Fixed Wireless Course Book – US$5
We’re using Google Play Books because it allows you to read the book on any device: desktop, laptop, tablet, phone, PC, Mac, iPad, android… which is way more flexible than iTunes or other platforms.
The books are formatted the same way as Teracom instructor-led course and DVD course books, with detailed text notes on the left page and the corresponding graphics / bullets page on the right in two-page view.
To get you started, the course book for Course 2231: Wireless Fundamentals is free, downloadable and printable!
To download and print the the course book for Course 2231: Wireless Fundamentals, first add the book to your library (it’s FREE), then on the My Books page, click the three dots and choose “Download PDF” as shown in the screenshot below.
If you print the PDF two-sided then put it in a 3-ring binder, the result will be almost identical to the course books supplied with Teracom instructor-led and DVD courses!
Printable course book