Only 6 weeks away. Register today!
Specifically designed for non‑engineers, Teracom’s renowned telecommunications training is two courses back-to-back to make a full week called BOOT CAMP:
Core training Course 101: Broadband, Telecom, Datacom and Networking for Non‑Engineers Monday – Wednesday, then
Course 130: Voice over IP, SIP, Security, 5G and IoT Thursday and Friday.
You may register for individual courses or the full week as best meets your needs. Most people attend all five days, designated as Course 111 BOOT CAMP, to get the most comprehensive and highest quality telecommunications training available, at a discounted price, with three TCO Certifications included: CTNS, CVA and the prestigious TCO CTA Certification.
You will bust the buzzwords, understand the jargon and technologies, and most importantly, the underlying ideas, and how it all fits together …knowledge you can’t get on the job, talking to salespeople or reading articles.
Plus, you’ll get two printed course books with detailed notes bringing all of this material together and sure to be valuable references for years to come. With a total of 25 bonus online certification courses, plus 3 TCO Certification exams, both with unlimited repeats and no time limits.
Your knowledge skills, accuracy, productivity and buzzword-frustration level will all be improved with this career-enhancing training. What’s not to like?