New! Try the free Teracom Telecom, Datacom and Networking Quiz

Assess your knowledge of telecommunications, data communications and networking fundamentals with this free online quiz!

The quiz is ten random multiple-choice questions from the Certified Telecommunications Analyst CTA certification exam. You’ll get an immediate reading of your telecom, datacom and networking IQ, and maybe even learn something useful during the answers review at the end.

Do it as many times as you like – different questions every time!
Challenge your colleagues!


1. Follow the step-by-step instructions on this page to load the free knowledge evaluation quiz

2. Enter your answers for each of the ten multiple-choice questions.
At the end your score will be displayed and you’ll have a chance to review the answers.

3. No one expects you to know all this stuff… but… comparing your answers to the correct ones, you may well find that you need to improve your knowledge base. Our renowned telecom training for non-engineers is the ideal way to fill in the gaps, put in place a solid base of knowledge and a structure on which to build.

4. Register for one of our high-quality public seminars, hold a private on-site seminar, order our self-paced DVD-video series, take online course modules and/or get a Telecom 101 reference book.

5. Learn what the jargon and buzzwords really mean, and how it all fits together. Be more effective and less frustrated. Deal with telecom and networking equipment vendors and carriers. Speak intelligently at meetings. Converse with “techies”. Obtain a valuable reference book.

6. Gain serenity, a promotion, a revitalized career, new job, or even achieve world domination.*

*Individual results may vary

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